The wisdom teeth, also called third molars, usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25 at the last part of our mouth on the back corners. This eruption can be extremely painful and uncomfortable for most people. By knowing why Wisdom tooth pain, you can tell if it is high time or not to go for the best dental emergency help.
1. Impacted Wisdom Teeth
The most usual, of course, is individual impacted wisdom teeth. An impacted tooth is a tooth that simply does not have enough room to emerge or develop properly. A tooth becomes impacted when it grows in at an angle towards other teeth, the jawbone or the back of the mouth. Wisdom teeth that are impacted can result in swelling, infection and pain as they push on nearby tissues and another tooth. In the worst of cases, this can even damage other teeth next to it and cause more problems.
2. Infection and gum disease
Such a partially emerged wisdom tooth can create enough space on top of the gum that food and bacteria become trapped. This condition is called pericoronitis and gives clinical manifestations with pain and swelling as well as trismus. If not handled, the infection will spread towards regions of a person’s mouth, and thus there could be various other gum diseases as well as dental troubles. It is important to maintain proper oral hygiene and seek prompt dental care in case of infections resulting from wisdom teeth.

3. Tooth Decay
Wisdom teeth reside in the very back of your mouth, making it difficult to clean them properly. This changed alignment can cause plaque and bacteria to accumulate in the crevices between teeth, making tooth decay and cavities more likely. Decaying wisdom teeth normally results in a sharp, throbbing pain that can spread to other nearby teeth and even into the gums. Preventative dental visits are important to help catch and treat cavities before they lead to more painful experiences.
4. Cyst Formation
Occasionally, a cyst forms around an impacted wisdom tooth, which can lead to the growth of tumors that impede jaw function. Cysts: Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form around impacted wisdom teeth, causing pain, swelling and the destruction of bone and other surrounding structures. Cysts left untreated can severely damage jaw structure, around tooth or might need more extreme surgery.
5. Crowding and Pressure
This is because wisdom teeth grow in a mouth that has entirely filled its allotment of “normal” number of teeth and often these new molars have to shove against other existing teeth. As the teeth shift, because there is so little space in your mouth, this can be problematic and cause pain or alter the alignment of other existing teeth. It may give rise to orthodontic issues for some, and others might feel pain from this crowding, which requires removing the wisdom teeth.
One of the more common problems associated with Wisdom tooth pain, which can be caused by a number of reasons, such as impaction, infection or decay forming from improper cleaning around the gum line and bone cord (bone spur) where food gets caught under your gums. Determining why an individual has the pain in his or her shoulder is critical so it can be addressed and managed. If you are in constant pain or can neither clean nor cope with your wisdom teeth, the safest way is to take advice from a doctor.